Wednesday, September 16, 2009

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

College Athletic Program

Getting your Way towards becoming a College-Bound Student Athlete

Supposedly you are a high school athlete who want to continue his sports career and has high hopes in entering the varsity when you go to college. You are confident enough that you will be able to attract the attention of college varsity coaches who might offer you some scholarship money that will help you a lot with regards to your college studies. You are aware that studying in college is expensive, and your parents may not afford it. Thus, you are using your talent as your capital in getting into any college sports scholarship program and at the same time continue your passion—being an athlete.

Thus, you need to start some research so that you will be able to arrive with a college sports scholarship program. But where will you start? Getting a college sport scholarship is probably a new thing to you, and definitely you will start from scratch, constantly wondering where to beginyour researching tasks.

How about getting the famous Peterson’s guidebook about getting a college sports scholarship? Instead of spending long hours in front of your personal computer and yet ending up with nothing, you may consider reading this guidebook and learn how to grab the best college sports scholarship that will match your college needs.

Published in August of 2004, this Peterson’s guidebook complete title is Peterson’s Sports Scholarship and College Athletic Programs, which is an “all-inclusive, college-by-college look at different college sports scholarships, intercollegiate athletic programs, and other financial information that is intended for high school athletes who want to continue playing at intercollegiate level and at the same time having the financial difficulty of getting to college”.

Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

It scans different college sports scholarships available in the United States. The guidebook’s content reveals the detail of various athletic programs from over 1,700 two- and four-year schools, including their respective national association and conference affiliations. From this guidebook, you will also get the names and contact numbers of college team coaches, descriptions of sports facilities, and graduation rates for student-athletes. In addition, it also lists around 30 types of sports games (everything from basketball to wrestling), both for men and women as well as their cross references from other schools offering those sports. Thus, you will be able to check if your sport is among the ones that offers college sports scholarship.

Here is the summary of the contents of Peterson’s Sport Scholarship and College Athletic Programs:

• The Recruiting Process, which tackles finding your perfect fit with regards to college athletics, and other recruitment-related issues.
• Coach’s Forum, which includes views of head coaches of different sports in various colleges and universities across the United States.
• The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Guide for College-Bound Student Athlete, which tackles the eligibility-requirements of student athlete to different college sports scholarships as well as NCAA initial-eligibility clearinghouse.
• The alphabetical listings of various college athletic programs.
• Indexes, which include geographic listings of various college athletic programs, which is also sorted according to the sport and division where it belongs.

Through the Peterson’s Sport Scholarship and College Athletic Programs Guidebook, you will be able to reach your dream of becoming a college-bound student athlete while at the same time getting your college degree. It is the best gift that you can give to yourself, so do not ever miss the opportunity to do so.

Friday, March 13, 2009

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Success = Your skill X Your Action

I always make a point to my self to read and attend a talk or training on self-development,
An article I read this what he said,

“Men, if you’re the kind of guy that comes home after work, plops down on the couch in front of the television while you’re barely making money to pay the bills… if you’re the kind of guy that lets his favorite TV show or sports team be more important than your family’s financial freedom…If you’re the kind of man that’s not willing to go out and fight for your Success and fight for your family’s success… I won’t call you a loser, but my friend; you are definitely not a winner.”

This is real cool to many people, so guys take a ACTON plan to do the right thing!

Go to my this site to read this ebook to do something

Jeffrey Tan

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Upbeat Life for an as a Menu

Look at a set menus from restaurants wherein different kinds of foods are served - from appetizers, to main dishes, to desserts - life also has its menu for an upbeat life. Different people have their own individual menu that makes them cheerful and optimistic. Find out what they are; they may help to keep your life meaningful, enjoyable, inspiring, and interesting. Consider the following:

Help the needy, the poor, the handicapped, the ailing, the broken-hearted, the homeless, the lost, and the environment. The list can go on. When you help the needy - in services, monetary value, or other forms (lending a shoulder to cry on or an understanding ear to listen to other people’s problems) - the returns are ten folds over. However, don’t expect anything in return. Just the contentment you experience in your heart is an incomparably satisfying feeling. Giving something wholeheartedly without expecting anything in return is divine. Imagine yourself as the person on the receiving end. You can’t wait to return the favor once you get the opportunity to do so.

Another way to enjoy life is to listen to music. Play your good old favorite songs and sing along. Sing your best. Sing carelessly or out of tune - whatever it takes to make your heart contented and whatever makes you laugh. Just hum the tune if you don’t remember the words. Sing until you laugh heartily. The idea is to cheer up. Do this in private with your close friends or relatives though. You don’t want to annoy your neighbors.

The sound of nature is also music. The sound of river flowing, the gust of wind on a tree branch, waves on the seashore, and birds chirping are as natural as nature can be, and the way music should be. The sound of nature can make you optimistic because it is a beautiful and serene sound.

Let’s face reality. Life has its share of troubles, disasters, and misfortunes. Bad news exists and it disturbs the mind. Totally ignoring it may not always be the answer to approach life in a realistic manner. However, you can always find ways to avoid being affected by it to maintain the dominance of life’s beauty.

A party without humor and laughter is a dull one. The same is true in real life. Fill your life with lots of humor and laughter to keep it upbeat. The more spontaneous a humorous situation is, the more natural it is, and the better it can liven up your spirits.

Look at the lessons that can be derived from misfortunes. Mistakes allow you to learn and see opportunities hidden behind adversities. Always find meaning from every event in your life. See through the shell game and value every lesson that you learn.